Home every 3 weeks! (drivers can stay out longer if desired)
2,800 – 3,200 miles/week average
All trailers are pre loaded at the company terminal
Lanes run from Ohio terminal to TX South, West and Mid West back to Ohio
Hauling mostly palletized flooring, auto parts, nonhazardous materials, palletized raw materials such as rubber, food stuffs
99% no touch freight – in case drivers must touch freight, they will be required to only pallet jack to the tail of the trailer so customers who don’t have docks can grab the pallets via forklift of the ground.
CLE does not require sorting and segregating on hand unloading. It is literally up to drivers’ discretion to do so and they will be compensated.
CLE will pay 25% of employee’s healthcare bill – employee will be responsible for 75% and 100% of their family members